Introduction to the SINAUT ST7 system
2.2 Components in a SINAUT ST7 system
SINAUT ST7 Station control system - System Manual
System Manual, 05/2007, C79000-G8976-C178-06
SINAUT over Ethernet
SINAUT communication is possible between station and control center and between stations
over Ethernet or IP-based networks. This includes transmission using the GPRS service in
mobile wireless networks (GSM networks). The prerequisite is continually available
Change-driven data transmission
The SINAUT software in the stations allows change-driven process data exchange with the
control center and between the individual CPUs.
Local data storage
One special characteristic of the TIM communications module used in the SINAUT ST7
system is the local storage of data messages (including time stamp) if there is a problem on
the communication link, if a partner fails or to optimize costs on dial-up networks.
Date and time always precise
The CPUs and even the control center (for example ST7cc) can be supplied throughout the
network with the date and time using a DCF77 radio clock. The systems therefore always
have a precise time of day including standard/daylight-saving time switchovers. Instead of
DCF77, GPS (Global Positioning System) can also be used as the time source.
SINAUT remote programming
All the diagnostic and programming function provided by SIMATIC and SINAUT for station
automation and SINAUT communication can be used beyond the SINAUT networks while
process data transmission is active.
Alerting over SMS
The CPUs can transmit event-driven SMS messages to GSM mobile phones to alert standby
personnel. It is also possible to acknowledge these messages from the mobile phone back to
the signaling CPU.
Components in a SINAUT ST7 system
The SINAUT ST7 system is based on the S7-300 and S7 400 SIMATIC systems and on
WinCC. It expands these systems by adding the special SINAUT hardware and software
components listed below.
Hardware components
The range of hardware components includes:
● TIM communications modules
● MD modem modules