Getting Started
Windows Automation Center, WinAC Slot Version 4.0
Hardware Installation and Operating Manual, Edition 02/2006, A5E00273194-02
Connecting STEP 7 to the Controller on a Different Computer
WinAC Slot connects to STEP 7 on a different computer from either the MPI/DP
interface or the DP interface of the CPU 41x-2 PCI to a communications interface
on the other computer. WinAC Slot can also communicate to STEP 7 on a different
computer through a communications interface configured in the PC Station. To
configure a communications interface in the PC Station requires SIMATIC NET to
be installed on your computer.
To configure communications between the controller and STEP 7 on a different
computer or programming device, set the PG/PC interface to the access point for
the specific communications interface and the type of communications, for
example, an Industrial Ethernet card using the TCP/IP protocol: