Getting Started: Communication between a CPU 416-2 PCI and an S7-400
Windows Automation Center, WinAC Slot Version 4.0
Hardware Installation and Operating Manual, Edition 02/2006, A5E00273194-02
Step 3: Creating a Project in SIMATIC Manager
Proceed as follows:
1. Create a project named "START_SLOT".
2. Insert the Box PC 840 by selecting Insert > Station > SIMATIC PC-Station, and
enter "Box PC 840" as the PC station name.
3. Insert the S7-400 station by selecting Insert > Station > SIMATIC 400-Station,
and enter "S7-400" as the SIMATIC S7-400 station name.
The following settings in the Station Configuration Editor must agree with the
subsequent configuration made in the STEP 7 Hardware Configuration application:
Station name (= Name of the PC station)
Index (corresponds to the slot in the STEP 7 Hardware Configuration application)