Phonebooks and call lists
Step by Step
Quick search
Press the key as often as required until the "Corporate"
(LDAP) tab is active.
Enter the initial letter of the surname you need, e. g. "K".
A single-line search window appears at the lower edge
of the display.
Do not enter any further characters. After a predefined
period of time or after pressing the
key all available
names with the corresponding initial letter are display-
ed. You can restrict the output by entering the second
and other letters. The
key is used to switch bet-
ween letters and numbers. The
key is used to delete
individual characters.
When entering extended characters you can control the
search individually. For the selection of extended cha-
racters firstly press the
Rule list:
Copying entries to the local phonebook
You can copy contacts from the company-wide phone
into your personal phonebook.
Press the key as often as required until the "Corportate"
(LDAP) tab is active.
Select the required entry from the list, e.g. Hans Meier
Select and confirm the option shown in the context me-
nu. The entry is copied with all details into the personal
phonebook. The "Contact created" message appears.
Extended character
Searches for the exact string
before the extended character.
You can enter first and last
name separately using a com-
ma. A search is carried out for
the last name (possibly using a
wildcard) and the first first
name with the first character af-
ter the comma.
Wildcard. This searches for the
character entered and all pos-
sible subsequent characters.
Hans Meier