BA 9142 en 02/2015
Property damage
Damage to the gear unit or individual components is possible from inadequate alignment.
When installing the drives, make absolutely certain that the individual components are accurately
aligned to one other. Unacceptable large errors in the alignment of the shaft ends to be connected due
to angular and/or axial misalignments result in premature wear and material damage.
For permissible alignment errors in couplings supplied by Siemens, refer to the instructions manuals
for the couplings.
When using couplings of other manufacturers, ask these manufacturers which alignment errors are
permissible, stating the radial loads occurring.
If couplings of other manufacturers are used, the Siemens standard operating instructions for
equivalent couplings provide the minimum requirements for the alignment of the coupling. It cannot be
assured by Siemens whether these minimum requirements are sufficient in any case. If stricter
requirements in the operating instructions of the supplier or similar document are defined, these will
Record alignment dimensions.
The record must be kept with these instructions.
Installing the motor
Align and the drive motor central axis of the input shaft of the gear unit when connected with the coupling
and fix it in its position.
Record the alignment of the motor.
The record must be kept with these instructions.
Observe the special operating instructions of the motor manufacturer for the assembly of the motor.
Danger to life from airborne fracture pieces
Disregard for the precision of alignment can cause shaft rupture, resulting in serious injury and danger
to life and limb.
Align the gear unit precisely.
Damage to the gear unit or its components or add-on parts is possible.
The accuracy of the alignment of the shaft axes to each other is decisive for the lifespan of shafts,
bearings and couplings. Therefore, the deviation should be zero in nearly all cases. For this purpose,
e. g. also the special requirements for the couplings can be found in the related operating instructions.