Version No.: B.2
Hovering the cursor over an icon identifies the function indicated and the current status of that
function. The following icons illustrate some of the status indications.
Figure 7-8 Icon Definitions
Each screen is provided with a standard set of edit buttons for manipulating the parameters.
Figure 7-9 Standard VIU Non-Vital Parameter Update Buttons
The Refresh button refreshes the current parameter value displays.
The Default button sets the parameters to the default values.
If either Refresh or Default is selected the Save and Discard buttons are enabled.
Figure 7-10 Standard VIU Non-Vital Parameter Update Confirmation Buttons
The Save button saves the current parameter values to the VIU unit.
The Discard button returns the parameter values to what they were before the change.
Several parameters accessible from the Web browser are vital parameters (Site’s ATCS
Address, MCF CRC). The text fields for these parameters are normally grayed out (disabled).
The screen containing these parameters (Site Info) has an
Edit Mode
button to the right of the
standard edit buttons.
Figure 7-11 Standard VIU Vital Parameter Update Buttons
Indicates that internal GPS is active.
Indicates that internal GPS is missing or unhealthy.
Indicates that function is healthy or in session.
Alternates with caution symbol when function is unhealthy or out of session.
Alternates with open padlock symbol when function is unhealthy or out of session.