Version No.: B.2
Power Conductor Wire Preparation
Verify that “B” and “N” supply wires are installed in the power connector correctly before
inserting the power connector into the mating connector on the top panel. Prepare the wires as
Figure 2-4 Inserting Wire in Cage Clamp Type Connector
Strip approximately 1/4 inch (6 mm) of insulation from the end of the wire.
Install EMI filter on cable per paragraph
Insert blade of appropriate sized flat bladed screwdriver in rectangular slot in connector next
to wire receptor (see Figure 2-4).
Insert the stripped end into the wire receptor until it stops.
Hold the wire in place and remove the screwdriver blade from the slot. The wire clamp
closed down on the stripped end of the wire
Insert the Power & ECD connector to the top panel of the case and tighten the screw to
approximately 4.5 inch pounds (0.5 Newton meters).
Installing EMI Filter on Power Cable
In order to reduce radiated electromagnetic interference in the VIU power cable, a clamp-on
EMI filter (part number Z590-00010-0001) must be installed as follows:
Step 1: Open the clamp-on EMI filter as shown in Figure 2-5.
Figure 2-5 Clamp-on EMI Filter (open)
Step 2:
Place the open EMI filter under the power cable approximately 1.5 inches from
the stripped end of the wires.