Version No.: B.2
1.3.1 Event Log
The Event Log is maintained by the non-vital side of the VIU. Entries in this log show application
level events describing VIU system operations. This log does not contain detailed diagnostic
events pertaining to the internal operation of the VIU or associated system. A separate
Diagnostic Log maintains these more detailed diagnostic events (see paragraph 1.3.2for further
information). Although the Event Log is stored/managed by the non-vital side of the unit, events
from the vital side are stored in the log as well.
Event Log is stored in flash memory to prevent data loss when power is removed from the
VIU. It does not require a back-up battery.
The number of events that can be stored in the Event Log is 100,000.
Events stored in the Event Log are time stamped to the hundredth of a second.
The log is structured as a circular buffer in that once the log is full, the newest event will
overwrite the oldest recorded event.
The entire Event Log can be downloaded to a USB drive.
The Event Log is accessible using the web browser user interface. It can be viewed by
date/time range and can be downloaded to a PC.
The Event Log can be viewed using any of the following user interface systems:
a. A web browser over a TCP/IP network.
b. A web browser directly connected to a free Ethernet port on the VIU.
Events can be viewed as they are recorded and logged into the Event Log via the
function on the web browser user interface.
1.3.2 Diagnostic Log
The buffer containing Diagnostic Log information is limited in size. As
verbosity levels increase, the total number of events in the log
decreases. Error level is the lowest verbosity level. It allows storage
of the greatest number of log events but provides minimal
information. Debug is the highest level and provides maximum
information, but of much fewer events.
The diagnostic log is maintained by the non-vital side of the VIU. It contains low level diagnostic
entries that detail the internal operation of the system that might otherwise clutter the event log.
This data is useful for troubleshooting problems related to internal system operation.
Diagnostic Log can contain five entry types (listed below in lowest to highest verbosity level):
a. BASIC - entries that cannot be classified as another type or that need to be visible
regardless of the VERBOSITY setting of the log (e.g. "diagnostic log initialized").
b. ERROR – critical system errors such as hardware failures the system cannot heal or
recover from.
c. WARNING – system errors that could indicate a problem but the system can continue
operating under this condition.
d. INFORMATION – potentially useful information but does not represent a failure or
fault in the system. This verbosity level is at the default setting.