Version No.: B.2
1. From either a USB Drive or from a railroad database, download the MCF to a USB drive.
2. Transfer the MCF from the USB drive to the PC hard drive.
3. Make sure that the PC is NOT connected to the VIU.
4. Launch the DT program.
5. Click the PROG (program) button at the top of the DT screen.
6. Click the NEW button at the top of the DT screen.
7. Locate the MCF just copied from the USB drive.
8. Select and open that MCF. The DT MAIN PROGRAM menu is displayed.
9. Select SITE Configuration from the menu.
10. Select ATCS SIN from the SITE configuration menu.
11. Enter the SIN for the VIU being configured (record this for later use).
12. Click the APPLY button.
13. Click the CLOSE button.
14. Click the PROG button and then make all necessary parameter changes.
15. When changes are complete, click the CFG FILE button at the top right corner of the DT
16. Select Save Configuration from the drop down menu.
17. Save the file with a new name.
18. Click the CFG FILE button again.
19. Select View Program from the drop down menu of the CFG File.
20. Select Location and SIN from the Program Report screen.
21. Verify that the SIN is correct.
22. Click the NEXT button at the top of the DT screen.
23. Record displayed MCF CRC and Calculated UCN (these will be needed in the field).
24. Click the CLOSE button.
25. Click the CLOSE button again.
To configure a VIU-20, perform the following steps as depicted in
Figure 4-2. To load the individual software files, follow the steps
shown in Section 3.2.
1. Power up VIU unit. Connect to the unit’s Ethernet Port 1 for the Web UI and by the Laptop
Serial Port for the DT.
2. Open a browser, and connect to the unit using the IP provided by the railroad or agency for
Ethernet Port 1.
3. Login to the Web UI using the password provided by the railroad or agency, if required.
4. Install the USB Drive in the Ethernet Port on the front of the VIU and follow the steps
described in paragraph Scroll down to PUT MSTR EXEC>VIU.