7SG11 Argus Technical Reference
©2013 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
P20007 Page 22 of 71
Item in menu structure:
setting name
Setting value:
[1st] [2nd] [3rd]
2. The purpose of this document is to describe the capabilities and functionality of the Argus Overcurrent
Protection relays. The User Manual document describes how to set up and operate the Argus: apply
configuration, settings and passwords, view instruments and set default instruments, and retrieve fault data.
2.2 Configuration
This section provides advice for configuring the Argus relay via the
Settings MODE - System Config.:
menu to suit the
overall requirements of the system and the protection scheme: e.g. system frequency, CT/VT ratios, identifiers,
user alarm text, date & time, password, etc.
2.2.1 Settings Groups
Settings groups are used to parameterise the protection and configuration of the Argus relay. Eight Groups each
containing a completely independent set of setting values can be stored in the relay, only the designated Group
as set in
System Config
.:Active Setting Group = Gn
will be active i.e. applied, at a time. Examples of uses for settings
groups: i.e. summer and winter settings, cold load settings, alternative settings values to cover special temporary
situations, test settings, embedded generation in/out settings etc.
Some settings are common across all groups e.g. Relay Identifier etc. Settings that can be set to a unique value
in each group have a setting description beginning with G
, where
is the number of the Group currently being
displayed e.g. G1 . The settings in any Group can be accessed for editing via
System Config.:
Settings group Edit/View
= Gn
including the currently Active Group; it is, however, strongly recommended that editing of settings is only
done in a setting group that it is off-line i.e. not-active.
To assist in the parameterisation of different settings groups, where only a few settings differ, after entering user
settings into one group the completed set of setting values can be copied from that group to another using the
System Config.:
Copy Group From Gn to Gx
setting, note that settings cannot be copied to the currently active group.
Necessary settings changes may then be implemented.
Any group as set in
Status Config.:
Settings Group Select
can be selected dynamically, while the Relay is in-service, by
raising the designated status input. When that status input is cleared, the settings group reverts to the previously
active group, as specified by another status input or
System Config.:
Active Settings Group
. If more than one status
input is raised at the same time, the group associated with the lowest number status input takes precedence. e.g.
Status 2 - Group 8 takes precedence over Status 3 - Group 2. Change of group takes typically 15 ms but less
than 17.5 ms.
Argus 2 - 500 series relays with a type II voltage input can also be programmed to change settings group on the
operation of the voltage element, forcing a group change regardless of any starters which may be raised. This
function can be used to set-up the Argus 2 to implement Voltage Controlled Overcurrent operation. Change of
group takes typically 40 ms but less than 50 ms.
Table 2-2
Settings Group Settings
System Config.
Setting name
Range (
= default)
Units Notes
Active Settings Group
Settings Group Edit/View
Copy Group
,2…8 to 1,
Status Config.
Setting name
Range (
= default)
Units Notes
Settings Group Select
_, 1, 2…8 for each status input
(and Vop) (default:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
Argus 2 type II relays can change
settings group from operation of
the voltage element.
2.2.2 System Frequency
The relay can be user set for nominal 50 Hz or 60 Hz operation using
System Config.:
Power System Frequency