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©2013 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
P1001 issue 2006/033
7SG11 Argus
Overcurrent Protection Relays
Document Release History
This document is issue 2013/04. The list of revisions up to and including this issue is:
Typographical revisions and corrected data
Document reformat due to rebrand
Fourth issue: VA Tech references replaced by Siemens Protection Devices Ltd
Third issue: Additional modifications, software revision histories updates
Second issue:- Improved CBF function, additional metering , Modbus protocol (not available in
Argus 4 & Argus 6), extended timers added
First issue
Software Revision History
Since introduction in 1995, Argus overcurrent relays have undergone a number of modifications to improve
functionality and features provided. The content of this manual is directly applicable to the software versions listed
below. When used with other versions minor variations may be noticed. A detailed release history for each type is
given in the appropriate Diagrams and Parameters document.
Argus 1 and Argus 2
2434H80023 R13a
release date July 2009
Argus 1 and Argus 2
2434H80023 R13
release date December 2006
Argus 1 and Argus 2
2434H80023 R10
release date November 2005
Argus 2-500
2434H80040 R8
release date November 2005
Argus 4 and Argus 6
2716H80005 R5
release date March 2005
Hardware Release History
Since introduction in 1995, Argus overcurrent relays have undergone a number of minor changes to hardware.
The content of this manual is directly applicable to Argus hardware in Epsilon cases produced since March 2002.
When used with earlier versions, minor variations may be noticed. A detailed release history for each type is given
in the appropriate Diagrams and Parameters document.