7SG11 Argus Technical Reference
©2013 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
P20007 Page 50 of 71
Setting name
Range (
= default)
Units Notes
Demand Window
5, 10,
.. 60, 90 .. 300, 360 ..
Maximum Demand Reset
Yes/No confirmation required
CB Maintenance.
Setting name
Range (
= default)
Units Notes
Energy Meter Reset
, YES Self-resetting
V’ applies only to Argus 2 type II.
Yes/No confirmation required
2.14 Maintenance
This section covers features to assist in the maintenance of circuit breakers, the protection scheme and the Argus
relay itself.
2.14.1 Circuit Breaker Operations
Trip counts and I
summation occur for each internal or external trip, as specified by
Data Storage:
Fault Trigger
, see
section 2.13.2.
Trip Counter
A trip counter is provided which increments on each trip command issued.
A suitable maintenance limit value can be chosen from the circuit breaker manufacturer’s data and entered into
CB Maintenance:
Trip Counter Alarm
setting. When the alarm setting is exceeded, the output relays mapped by
Relay Config.:
Trip Counter Alarm
are raised.
The count can be reset using
CB Maintenance:
Trip Counter Reset
, or when viewing the counter’s instrument.
Sum of I
Circuit breaker contact wear increases with energy broken, therefore I
summation provides a good estimation for
maintenance purposes. A suitable maintenance limit value can be chosen from the circuit breaker manufacturer’s
data and entered into the
CB Maintenance:
I2 Alarm
The current flowing at the time of trip is added to individual summations for each phase. If any of these exceed
the alarm setting, the output relays mapped by
O/P Relay Config.:
I2 Alarm
are raised. An instrument shows the
largest I
summation of the three phases.
The summation can be reset using
CB Maintenance:
I2 Reset
, or when viewing the summation instrument.
Delta Trip Counter
Argus 4 and Argus 6 only
This provides an additional counter, which can be reset independently of the Trip Counter described above. This
can then be used, for example, for recording trip operations between visits to a substation.
Its operation is similar to the Trip Counter above, however a different limit setting (
CB Maintenance:
Trip Counter
) and output (
O/P Relay Config.:
Trip Alarm
) are provided.
The delta trip counter can be reset using
CB Maintenance:
Trip Counter Reset
and when viewing the counter’s
instrument, also by a status input mapped by
Status Config.:
Trip Counter Reset
Frequent Operations Counter
Argus 4 and Argus 6 only
Argus 4 and 6 relays incorporate a Frequent Operations Counter (FOC) which logs the number of trip operations
in each minute-window in a rolling window of one hour. When the total number of trip operations in one hour
reaches or exceeds that set by the user in the
CB Maintenance:
Freq Op Counter Alarm
setting then all protection and
auto-reclose settings are replaced by a Delay (+HS1+HS2 if applicable) characteristic and one trip to lockout
operation. The normally active protection and sequence settings are suspended until the total number of
operations decrements to below the counter setting as the rolling one hour window drops off the high trip count