7SG11 Argus Technical Reference
©2013 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
P20007 Page 71 of 71
A number of bits containing the data. Sent after the start bit.
Half-Duplex Asynchronous Communications
Communications in two directions, but only one at a time.
Hayes ‘AT’
Modem command set developed by Hayes Microcomputer products, Inc.
MOdulator / DEModulator device for connecting computer equipment to a telephone line.
Method of error checking by counting the value of the bits in a sequence, and adding a parity bit to make the
outcome, for example, even.
Parity Bit
Bit used for implementing parity checking. Sent after the data bits.
Serial Communications Standard. Electronic Industries Association Recommended Standard Number 232,
Revision C.
Start Bit
Bit (logical 0) sent to signify the start of a byte during data transmission.
Stop Bit
Bit (logical 1) sent to signify the end of a byte during data transmission.