Testing plan
The manufacturer of the machine and the operating entity must define all required
thorough checks. The definition must be based on the application conditions and the
risk assessment.
The following tests must be planned:
A thorough check must be carried out during commissioning and following modifi‐
The check must detect if it is possible to enter the hazardous area without being
The regular thorough checks of the safety system must fulfill certain minimum
requirements. The minimum requirements for the thorough check of the safety
system comply at least with the sum of the minimum requirements for the thor‐
ough check of the components of the safety system (see operating instructions of
the components).
The check must detect if it is possible to enter the hazardous area without being
detected. Such possibilities may exist due to modifications, manipulations or exter‐
nal influences.
In many cases, depending on the application conditions, the risk assessment can
determine that further thorough checks are required.
The thorough checks must be carried out by qualified safety personnel or specially
qualified and authorized personnel, and must be documented in a traceable manner.
The regular thorough checks serve to assess the effectiveness of the safety system
and to identify defects as a result of changes or other influences (e.g., damage or
8025720/1A9R/2020-12-15 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | nanoScan3 Tool - URCap
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