IP address FTP server
Set IP address of the FTP
Define target address for
image transmission.
IP address PLC
Set IP address of controller.
Define target address for data
output to the controller.
IP port InspectorP for TCP (PLC is
Set IP ports for the device.
If the device is in the TCP
server network, define the IP
Compact mode
Set compact display.
Function is not supported.
Continuous measurement
Activate device. Start continu‐
ous image capturing and eval‐
uate every image.
Capture and evaluate images
continuously during commis‐
sioning. During actual opera‐
tion, continuous measurement
is activated by the controller
via a command as soon as
the automated storage and
retrieval system is in front of
the rack and the positioning
mark is in the field of view of
the device.
Circle diameter [mm]
Define circle diameter of
the positioning mark to be
searched for.
Optimize performance and
positioning accuracy.
Min acceptance score
Minimum measured value for
detecting a hole or a reflector
as a positioning mark
The lower the measured
value, the more elements are
detected as the positioning
mark. This can be useful to
allow for detection of circles
with unclear outlines (e.g., due
to corrosion). A value which
is too low leads to error mes‐
Relative offset to origin X [mm]
Relative offset to origin Y [mm]
Circle – target region
Move X- and Y-position of the
target region in the image.
Shift the target region in the
image. If the device cannot be
mounted in such a way that the
positioning mark is located in
the center of the image during
storage and retrieval, shift the
target region.
Select interface language.
Restart SOPASair or update the
web page using the F5 push‐
button to activate the set inter‐
face language.
Restore all default parameters
Reset device to factory set‐
Reparameterize the device
based on the delivery state.
8024534/1DQ8/2022-01-14 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | InspectorP Rack Fine Positioning
Subject to change without notice