The field of view and analog output are configured in the “Measurement area and
Analog output” area.
The field of view can be restricted from both sides and the analog output can
be configured here. Here, different milliampere values (mA) can be defined for
the respective events (e.g. “edge lost”). Furthermore, the function values can be
assigned to the analog output. This is relevant as soon as the function values are
also output via the analog output. In the example shown, 20 mA is output on the
analog output for a function value of 165 mm.
The switching points are configured in the Qint area.
Up to 4 internal switching events (Qint) can be configured in this tab. You can
choose between all 8 edges and the edge functions here. The respective switching
events can be defined as switching point (single point mode), switching window
(window mode) or upper and lower switching threshold (two point mode). The
switching event is active when the upper switching point is exceeded and is
deactivated when the value falls below the lower switching point.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | AS30 Prime - Extended Field of View
Subject to change without notice