Figure 3: Sensor setup wizard
In SOPAS program
Start the wizard with the Sensor setup pushbutton
Follow the instructions from the wizard
Optimize the sensor alignment (sensing distance and mounting bracket).
Sensor adjustment and diagnostics
The sensor settings can be edited on the “General Device Se Diagnostics” tab.
These are:
Adjustment of the sensor background between scanning mode, reflector mode
and auto setting.
The reflector option is recommended for very glossy or (semi-)transparent objects.
With the auto option, the sensor automatically detects a mounted reflector in
the background. If this setting is selected during operation, the sensor must be
restarted. If an edge is taught in, the background set in the auto option is retained.
Reading direction
AS30 Prime - Extended Field of View offers 2 reading directions. The edge position
values are output in the configured direction. The analog output on pin 2 switches
accordingly. The options are
- From the male connector to the head side (default) -
From the head side to the male connector
- Defined by input pin: Select this option to configure the reading direction via the
input on pin 5.
Pin 2 configuration
Pin 2 is the analog output of the detected edge and can be configured and
deactivated between edge 1 to edge 8 and up to 8 functions of two edges.
Pin 5 configuration
Pin 5 can be configured either as an external input for smart task functions, an
output for edge teach-in, a second digital switching output, an input for running a
reflector teach or an input for changing the reading direction (activate “Defined by
input pin” for this).
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | AS30 Prime - Extended Field of View
Subject to change without notice