The parameters of the process data can be set in the “Process Setup” function
in the “Process Output & Sensitivity” tab. The AS30 Prime - Extended Field of
View offers three pieces of edge information as process data and transmits them
in Parameter Output 1 - 3. Edges or functions can be assigned to these three
parameters. Example: Here, the position values of the first edge (Edge 1) are
output under Process data output 1.
For two output values (edges or functions), an indication can also be given via
IO-Link if the edge or function has been lost. Example: The edge position of e.g. 3
edges can be output via Output 1-3 (Edge 1 - 3).
"Edge loss output 1 & 2" defines which of the edges is output as present or lost in
the process data. If a function is selected in "Edge loss output 1 & 2", it contains
all edges that are used to calculate the function. If one of the two selected edges /
functions is not completely present, this is displayed under "Edge loss".
Furthermore, the output values can be smoothed by a defined value in ms. Please
note that only even cycle times are possible, it will be rounded down if an odd
entry is made. The respective output values are then averaged within this time
The sensitivity adjustment of the device can also be set here as a global value.
The edge search directions of the respective detected edges can be determined in
the “Edge Direction” tab.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | AS30 Prime - Extended Field of View
Subject to change without notice