Thumbnails are not displayed in the PixLab Media
Is “Thumbnails” checked in the “View” menu?
More time is required to create thumbnails of movie files than for
still images. It may take a particularly long time for the thumb-
nails to appear when there are many ASF files in the folder. Turn
the thumbnails display on or off as necessary.
Try selecting “Clear Cache” from the “View” menu.
SmartMedia contents are not displayed
Is the SmartMedia card properly loaded in the computer?
If the SmartMedia contents cannot be seen in Explorer either, the
problem may be with the floppy disk drive, the floppy disk adapter
(FlashPath) or the PC card adapter.
Does the SmartMedia card contain data taken on the VN-EZ1?
Try selecting “Refresh” from the “View” menu.
Movies are not played
Are Microsoft Windows Media Player, Microsoft DirectX 6.1 and
DirectX Media 6.0 installed on your computer?
If not, see the included “Installation guide” and use the PixLab
CD-ROM to install them.
It may not be possible to play movies not taken on the VN-EZ1,
even if they are in ASF or AVI format.
Changing the name of the displayed image
Select the image whose name you want to change, then select
“Rename” from the “File” menu and input the new name.
Note that if the name of an image on a SmartMedia card is changed
it may no longer be possible to play it on the VN-EZ1. We
recommend not changing names of images on a SmartMedia card.
In this section we discuss problems that may occur when using PixLab.
If the problem persists after the following items are checked, try rein-
stalling PixLab Media Browser. In some cases this may solve the
Microsoft Windows Media Player, Microsoft DirectX 6.1, DirectX Me-
dia 6.0, and Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 (Service Pack x) or Internet
Explorer 5 must be installed for PixLab to operate normally.
If the programs are not installed on you computer, use the PixLab CD-
ROM to install them (Except Internet Explorer 4(Service Pack x)or
Internet Explorer 5).
The PixLab CD-ROM does not contain Internet Explorer 4(Service Pack x)
or Internet Explorer 5.
See Microsoft Corporation’s homepage (http://www.microsoft.com/) for
information on obtaining Microsoft Internet Explorer.
Files are not displayed in the PixLab Media Browser
Are there files compatible with the PixLab Media Browser in the
opened folder?
Try selecting “Refresh” from the “View” menu.
If images are added, deleted or edited in other applications while
the PixLab Media Browser is running, these changes may not be
Some time may be required for movie files to be displayed when
the PixLab Media Browser is set to display thumbnails.
Try changing the “Files to be Displayed” in “Folder Option(s)...” in
the “View” menu.