Voice Call/Video Call Functions
Incall Menu (Video Call)
Muting the Microphone
During a video call, press [Mute] to mute a
To unmute the microphone, press [Unmute].
Swapping Images
You can swap images between the main and sub
During a video call, press [Options] and select
“Swap Images”.
Changing the Image of Yourself
During a video call, press [Options] and select
“Camera Picture”.
Select from “Internal Camera”, “External Camera”
or “Alternative Image”.
“Internal Camera”:
The image through the
internal camera is displayed
and sent to the party.
“External Camera”:
The image through the
external camera is displayed
and sent to the party.
“Alternative Image”: The camera is turned off and
the image selected in
“Alternative Image” of
“Video Call Settings”
(p. 122) is used.
Using the Optical Zoom Function
The optical zoom enables you to zoom the picture more
clearly by the actual zooming action of the optical lens.
The optical zoom is used up to the [
2] zooming ratio.
If you increase the ratio more than that, it is replaced by
the digital zoom.
During a video call, press [Options] and select
“Enable Opt. Zoom”.
The image is magnified.
Turning the Speakers On and Off
You can talk via the loud speakers on the back of the
phone by turning them on.
During a video call, press [Options] and select
“Loud Speaker On”.