Option [4A] may be used with any formats supported by
the MLR2-DG. To disable the 2-Way Audio function, program
Option [4A] as “00”.
Option [4B]: 3 Digits Account Codes to Activate 2-Way
Option [4B] determines which 3 digits Account Codes will
be able to activate the 2-Way Audio feature. Program the
first digits of the desired Account Codes in Option [4B]. For
example, to allow all 3 digits account codes between 200
and 3FF to activate the 2-Way Audio function, program
Option [4B] as “23”. To allow all 3 digits account codes
between 300 and 6FF to activate the 2-Way Audio function,
program Option [4B] as “36”.
Option [4B] may be used with any 3 digits account code
formats supported by the MLR2-DG. To disable the 2-Way
Audio function, program Option [49] as “00”.
Option [4C]: Alarm Codes to Activate 2-Way Audio
Option [4C] determines the range of Alarm Codes which
will activate the 2-Way Audio function. Program the first
digits of the desired Alarm Codes in Option [4C]. For example,
if all alarm codes beginning with 6, 7 and 8 are to activate
2-Way Audio, program Option [4C] as “68”.
Option [4C] may be used with 10 to 40 baud formats, DTMF
4/1, 4/2, 4/3 and Contact ID formats. Program Option [4C]
as “00” to disable this function.
First, to enable the audio feature, the option "[49] AUDIO
MIN." must be programmed. The DRL2A will initiate audio
by the account range, option [4A] and [4B] or by option
[4C] ALARM CODE or by both.
Example: 4/2 format with account code 1234, alarm code
2 on zone 3. (1234-23)
Option Option
(or [4B])
to Audio
Alarm code 2 falls within the code range
Account code 1234 falls within the range
Account code 1234 is outside the range
Alarm code 2 is outside the range 3-4
If both are programmed, both must be good
and alarm code 2 is outside the range 3-
Both must be good and account code 1234
is outside the range 3-5
Alarm code 2 falls within the code range
1-5, account code 1234 falls within the
range 1-4
Option [4D]: Audio Event Code
Option [4D] is used to send a message to the computer
and the printer to indicate that the Line Card has enabled
the 2-Way Audio function. Program an ASCII code 0 through
9 and A through Z using the hex code listed in Appendix
F, to be used as the event code for activation of the 2-Way
Audio feature.
For example, if an Account on Line Card 01 activates the
2-Way Audio mode and Option [4D] is programmed as “50”
(ASCII “P”), the following messages will be sent:
• Sent to computer: 0000 P 01
• Sent to printer: L01-0000-P01 AudioLine1
Note that this event code will not be affected by the common
event code selected at Option [30]. Ensure that the event
code in Option [4D] is compatible with any automation
software being used. Program Option [4D] as “00” to disable
this option.
Option [4E]: Video Downlook
The DRL2A is capable of receiving video images from the
Sur-Gard DC1664LC , P-16LCD, P-1664, DSC8400, DSC
PC1575, DSC PC5010, DSC PC5015 and DSC PC3000
Security Control Panels and sending those images to a
video receiver. Option [4E] is used to enable it. Program
Option [4E] as “00” to disable this option, or program a
value of “01” to enable it.
NOTE: When this Option [4E] is enabled, the “Message
Error” light will not indicate when faulty data is received.
Option [4F]: 3-2 Format
The DRL2A could not distinguish between 4/1, 3/2 or 3/1
with checksum because all of them contain a total of 5
digits. Therefore, this option must be programmed to inform
the DRL2A which of the 3 formats may be used.
Option 4F (3/2 format)
select 4/1 format
select 3/2 format
select 3/1 with checksum format.
Select 3/1 with checksum only for Radionics
Fast (40 baud rate) sent on the 2300Hz
handshake, and 4/1 on all other baud rate
regardless of the handshake and Radionics
Fast sent on the 1400Hz.
Note that the printer messages for the 3-2 format are the
same as those used for the 4/2 format.
Option [50]: 4/1 Extended Format
Program Option [50] as “01” to combine 2 round pairs of
4/1 extended format into 4/2 output for reporting to the
computer and the printer.
For example, with Option [50] enabled, the security control
panel may transmit the following information:
1234 3
1234 3
3333 1
3333 1
The DRL2A will interpret this information as: 1234 31
This format is not recommended as it occupies the telephone
line for long periods of time. Note that all 4/1 and 4/1 extended
formats must be at 10,14 or 20 baud rates; the DRL2A will
not accept 4/1 or 4/1 extended formats at 40 baud if unless
option [4F] is modified. The default setting for Option [50] is
“01”; when programmed as “00”, the option is disabled.
Option [51]: 4/2 Extended Format
Program Option [51] as “01” or “02” to combine 2 round
pairs of 4/2 extended format into 4/3 output for reporting
to the computer and the printer. Program one of the following: