Many racing yachtsmen have exploited the advantages of the jib furling and reefing system
with reat success. The sail can be partly furled before the start, giving good visibility and easy
manoeuvring of the boat. Just before starting, the sail is unfurled and the boat crosses the line
under full sail. If the boat has a small crew, the advantages are obvious.
The Furlex can be easily and quickly reconfigured from a furling jib system to a twin-groove
racing headfoil. The line guide and line drum are dismantled without removing the forestay from
the boat and the halyard swivel lowered below
the sail feeder. When racing with a large crew,
the sail can then be tacked at deck level, enabling
the full hoisting length of the headfoil to be
utilized. The twin luff grooves offer the option
of quick sail changes.
Furlex is converted for racing by dismantling
the line guide and line drum in the manner
described under ”DISMANTLING” in chap.
17.3-17.4. The sail feeder is also removed
(chap. 17.2 ) and the halyard swivel moved
down to the lower bearing assembly. Re-fit the
sail feeder and your Furlex is ready for racing!
Fig. 13.a
13 Furlex for racing