The S-300C he li cop ter has a three bladed, fully ar tic u lated sin gle main
ro tor sys tem. A two bladed tail ro tor is used for torque re ac tion and di -
rec tional con trol. Power is sup plied by a Textron Lycoming Model
HIO-360-D1A re cip ro cat ing en gine. The en gine power is trans mit ted
through a belt drive trans mis sion as sem bly to the main trans mis sion
and tail ro tor drive shaft. The belt drive as sem bly in cor po rates an
over run ning clutch to per mit auto ro ta tion with out driv ing the belts or
en gine.
The fu se lage with a cen tral, tu bu lar steel, open frame forms the load-
car ry ing struc ture for the he li cop ter. The cen ter frame pro vides at tach -
ments for and sup ports all he li cop ter com po nents above the land ing
gear, which is at tached to the un der side of the frame. The for ward sec -
tion holds the pi lot’s com part ment; the cabin con tains three
side-by-side seats, with the pi lot’s po si tion on the left side. Seat cush -
ions and backs are con toured for per son nel com fort. The seat sup port,
to which the cush ions are af fixed, pro vides an in stal la tion of max i mum
per son nel safety as a re sult of the im pact-yield ing ca pa bil ity. Seat
belts are pro vided for the pi lot and pas sen ger po si tions, and ad di tion -
ally, a shoul der har ness is pro vided for the cen ter pas sen ger. On later
he li cop ters shoul der har nesses are provided for pi lot and right hand
po si tion also.
An in stru ment panel is lo cated for ward of the seats at the he li cop ter
cen ter line. The panel in cludes flight and en gine in stru ments in ad di -
tion to warn ing and cau tion lights and var i ous switches and con trols.
Space pro vi sions ex ist for com mu ni ca tion and nav i ga tion equip ment.
Later con fig u ra tion in stru ment con soles have a stow age com part ment
(glove box) which can ac com mo date up to 20 lbs. ad di tional bag gage.
Con trol Sys tem. The pi lot’s po si tion is on the far left side of the cabin,
with a cy clic con trol stick and tail ro tor ped als pro vided in front of the
pi lot’s seat. The ped als are ad just able. A col lec tive pitch con trol stick
is pro vided to the left of the pi lot’s seat. The cy clic and col lec tive con -
trol sys tem is the me chan i cally linked, solid type, us ing tu bu lar
push-pull rods. The tail ro tor con trol sys tem uti lizes ca bles and pul -
leys in one link of its oth er wise solid sys tem of tu bu lar push-pull rods.
A cabin, mounted for ward of the cen ter frame, is formed by the can -
opy, two cabin doors, a floor sec tion and a seat struc ture. The cabin
en closes the crew and pas sen ger area and con tains the flight con trols,
Pilot's Flight Manual
Model 269C Helicopter
16 Jan 2019
This Document contains technical data subject to EAR. See WARNING and classifications on first page.
CSP Book 1 CSP-C-1.indd 32
8/4/19 12:45 PM
Содержание S300C 269C
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