The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Web Interface - Add New Event
1. Schedule -
Allows the user to configure the event to run on the selected schedule. The schedule can be
selected either by picking a name from the drop-down list, or entering the schedule’s number in the field
to the right of the drop-down list.
2. Time -
Allows the user to configure the event to occur at the selected time. The time should be entered
in hours, minutes, and seconds.
3. Days of the Week -
Allows the user to configure the event to occur on the selected days of the week.
4. Zone Duration -
Allows the user to configure the action taken by each clock relay whenever the event
occurs. The options listed in each drop-down menu are:
*In an EVENT COUNTDOWN, the master clock automatically computes the amount of time between an event where CStart is selected and the next event
where CStop is selected. The master clock then sends a command to digital clocks on the relay that commands them to perform a countdown that begins at
the event time of the CStart, and ends at the event time of the CStop.
Event Countdowns must have both a CStart and CStop to activate. The CStart and CStop events must also occur during the same day; a CStart that occurs
Thursday Night will not recognize a CStop that occurs Friday morning. Event Countdowns cannot exceed 18 hours in length.
No Action. Relay state does not change.
An event may not have all of its zones set as N/A.
The relay will turn on and remain on until changed by another event.
The relay will turn off and remain off until changed by another event.
Dur 3
The relay will turn on for the number of seconds listed.
Duration can be changed. See “Set Zone Durations”
Dur 5
The relay will turn on for the number of seconds listed.
Duration can be changed. See “Set Zone Durations”
Starts an Event Countdown.*
Only available if countdown option ordered with clock
Marks the end of an Event Countdown*
Only available if countdown option ordered with clock