The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Manual Controls - User Level
9) Press the Down key to confirm. The display will read
Are You Sure?
Press YES/ENTER again.
10) To enter another event, go back to Step 4.
11) When you are finished, repeatedly press the NO/CANCEL button until the main screen reappears.
No Action. Relay state does not change.
An event may not have all of its zones set as N/A.
The relay will turn on and remain on until changed by another event.
The relay will turn off and remain off until changed by another event.
Dur 3
The relay will turn on for the number of seconds listed.
Duration can be changed. See “Set Zone Durations”
Dur 5
The relay will turn on for the number of seconds listed.
Duration can be changed. See “Set Zone Durations”
Starts an Event Countdown.*
Only available if countdown option ordered with clock
Marks the end of an Event Countdown*
Only available if countdown option ordered with clock
Add Events from the LCD Screen
1) Use the keypad to enter the user password (the default is 1111). If performed correctly, the LCD screen
should change to show the “Set Time” message.
2) Press the NO/CANCEL button until the LCD screen display shows the following text:
Add Event?
3) Press and release the YES/ENTER button. The LCD screen should display the following text:
Sch: 001
s, m, t, w, t, f, sa, mf, ed
4) Use the keypad to enter the identification number of a schedule that the event should be
associated with.
5) Use the keypad to enter the activation time for the event. The time should be entered as it would be
displayed in 24 hour mode. For example, a time of 2:35:00 PM would be entered as 143500
6) Use the keypad to define the days of the week when the event should activate. Use the Left (<--) and
Right (-->) Arrow keys to scroll between each day of the week. Press the YES/ENTER button to activate or
deactivate the selected day. Active days will change from lowercase letters (m, t, w) to uppercase letters
(M, T, W). Note: mf = Monday through Friday, ed = Every Day
7) Press the Down ( ) key to move to the next screen. The top line of text will remain the same, but the
bottom line of text will change:
Zone 1
8) Use the Left and Right keys to scroll between the available Zone Relays. For each relay, the user can
cycle through the relay activation options by pressing the YES/ENTER key.
The relay options are as follows: