The Sapling Company, Inc.
1633 Republic Road
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P. (+1) 215.322.6063
F. (+1) 215.322.8498
Web Interface - Date/Time
1. Time -
This field is where the current time is displayed. The time data should be received from an
NTP server as standard or from a GPS receiver as an optional feature. If needed, the time can be edited
manually by clicking within the field, typing the desired time into the field, and pressing the Change
Time button. The time must be entered in 24 hour format HH:MM:SS. For example, if you wish to enter
a time of 1:00 PM, then it must be entered as 13:00:00). If the master clock is receiving input data from
an external source (including SNTP, GPS, or another master clock) then the external source overrides any
changes made to the time.
2. Date -
This field is where the current date is displayed. The date should be received from an NTP server
as standard or from a GPS receiver as an optional feature. If needed, the date can be edited manually by
clicking within the field, typing the desired date into the field, and pressing the Change Date button. The
date must be entered in using the format MM/DD/YYYY). If the master clock is receiving input data from
an external source (including SNTP, GPS, or another master clock) then the external source will override any
changes made to the date.
3. Schedule Information Bar -
Displays the current schedule that the master clock is following, and the
number of events associated with that schedule.
4. Backup Status -
This line will appear if “Function in Backup Mode“ was enabled in the Synchronization
Tab. If the backup clock is receving data from a functioning primary clock, the status will say
. If
the backup clock is not receiving data from the primary clock, the status will say
Refer to the page
“Outputs - Backup Mode” for more information.
5. Log Out -
When pressed, this button returns the user to the Log In page and prevents the user from
entering other tabs until they log in again.
The time and date displayed represent the time and date at the time that the page was loaded. To update the display to show the most recent time
and date, press the refresh button on your web browser once.