7. Voicemail
1. Call Voicemail
2. Details
3. Clear Count
4. Edit Voicemail#
8. Settings
1. Sounds
2. Display
3. Internet
4. Messaging
5. Security
6. Airplane Mode
7. Others
9. Tools/Extras
1. PC Sync
2. Calculator
3. World Clock
. Calendar
0. Voice Service
1. Voice Memo
2. Screen Call
3. Voice Dial
#. Phone Info
1. Phone#
2. Help
3. Version
5. Menu Navigation
Viewingthe Menus
Menu Diagram
Menus let you check or change your phone settings. The
following outline shows your phone’s menu structure.
1. Call History
1. Outgoing Calls
2. Incoming Calls
3. Missed Calls
4. Erase History
2. Phone Book
1. Find Name
2. Add New Entry
3. My Phone#
4. Speed Dial #s
5. Services
3. Messaging
1. Send Message
2. Text Msg
3. Go to Email
4. Pictures
1. Camera
2. Review/Share
3. Picture Wallet
4. Online Pics
5. Setting
5. Web
Screen Savers
Dynamic 1-10 (If applicable)
Содержание SCP-810
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