20 S&C Instruction Sheet 695-505
Attach Hinged-Roof Counterweights
If the roof was previously lifted to the second
most vertical position, return it to the 45°
position. On the right-hand side of the switchgear
enclosure, while pushing up on the hinged roof,
release the latch on the “hold-open” mechanism.
See Figure 23 on page 23. Allow hinged roof to
sag against the “hold-open” mechanism. At the
other end of the enclosure, push up on the
hinged roof just enough to allow the left-hand
“hold-open” mechanism latch to be released,
ensuring the right-hand “hold-open” latching
mechanism does not re-engage. Lower the
hinged roof to the 45° position.
To attach hinged-roof counterweights, first
remove the shipping materials surrounding the
counterweight mechanisms on both ends of the
enclosure. See Figure 18. Then, cut the plastic
cable ties holding the longer lever arms in the
down position.
At one end of the enclosure, pivot the longer
lever arm up and position it on the back side of
the shorter upper lever arm (i.e., the longer lever
arm should be closest to the side wall of the
enclosure). Align the two holes in both lever
arms—it may be necessary to lift up slightly on
the longer lever arm to achieve this goal—and
press the captive pin through the holes in both
lever arms. Spring-loaded tabs in the pin will
automatically extend to engage the retaining
Repeat Step 3 at the opposite end of the
Figure 18. To attach the hinged-roof counterweights,
remove the shipping material surrounding the counterweight
mechanism (a), pivot longer lever arm up and position it on
the back side of the shorter upper lever arm (b), push the
captive pin through the holes in both lever arms (c). Spring-
loaded tabs in the pin will automatically extend to engage
the pin.