WEC8500/8050 Maintenance Manual
Version 5.1
Samsung Electronics America
page 62 of 87
capwap DiscoveryByMulticast
: Enable
capwap DiscoveryByBroadcast
: Enable
capwap FallbackEnable
: Enable
capwap ECNSupport
: Limited
capwap AutoDiscovery
: Enable
capwap AutoDiscoveryApGroup
: 1
MulticastIfIndexList : NULL
If the APC’s AutoDiscovery function is disabled, enable it in the following way.
WEC8500# configure terminal
WEC8500/configure# apc capwap auto-discovery
Enable the AutoDiscovery function.
To disable the APC’s AutoDiscovery function and register the AP manually, use the
following way.
WEC8500# configure terminal
WEC8500/configure# ap ap_1
WEC8500/configure/ap_1# profile mac 00:00:aa:16:16:16
Register AP by using the AP MAC information.