©G Hendra Nov 18
E601 and E604
E601 and E604 is a communication error between the remote controller and the indoor PCB.
Firstly make sure the controller cables are connected to the PCB in the right order.
F4 is black, F3 is red, V2 is brown and V1 is orange. The cable plugs into the back of the PCB
using a white plug, it only fits in one place. The plug is on the right hand side half way down
the board if you are holding the controller with the red sensor at the top.
If the remote controller is not connected properly the red flashing LED 900 in the middle of the
control box PCB will not flash.
Wire V1 is + 12Vdc, wire V2 is 0V DC and F3
and F4 are comms cables running at + and –