©G Hendra Nov 18
Fault codes a guide
E121 or remote controller won’t initialise
On the back of the controller you can see 8 dip switches; these are used to programme the
unit. From factory all of them are switched off.
We use switch 1 to on to disable cooling mode
We use switch 2 to activate the sensor in the remote controller, this can (but don’t) be used to
control the unit using the Samsung controller as a room stat. In this mode the unit runs in
weather comp. both as a function of outdoor temperature (see weather comp) and as it gets
close to the set temperature the unit also drops the flow temperature.
Switch 3 if set to 1 brings up a fault code E121.
If switch 4 is set to 1
the controller will not start up properly. All that will be seen is some
flashing lines going in a circle under schedule.