©G Hendra Nov 18
Cold Weather Protection
The Samsung unit has a number of cold weather protection functions these include:
The heat pump cannot operate if the water in the system is less than 10C, if the unit detects
the heat exchanger is less than 10C it does two things:
Firstly, the pump is switched on for a couple of minutes to bring water in from the system
indoors to maintain the temperature. If the water coming in is also cold the unit will start the
heating function and will warm the water to 20C despite there being no run signal.
If the ambient temperature is less than -2C the water pump never stops, this is to prevent
freeze up.
Press the blue view button you can see 4 sensor readings, press it until the pump symbol
shows (a circle round a house). This is the water temperature, if it’s below 10C the unit will
not start but the pump will run.
If you are commissioning the unit from cold
You must warm up the water to get the unit to run, the easiest way to do this is to add a
cylinder and use the immersion to warm up the cylinder first, the warm water from the cylinder
will preheat the heat pump and it will start to operate. For more info see test mode.
Further cold weather cautions
If the remote controller gets cold (less than
5C) the unit will not operate correctly, it can’t
understand how the house has got so cold.
It will enter into a protection mode where it
runs constantly, you will find the on off button
for heating won’t work and if you try to use
HW mode it will switch itself off. Make sure
the remote controller is in a heated room.