©G Hendra Nov 18
Weather Comp
In almost all cases we run our systems using an external run signal, be it a stat, switch, timer
or signal from an under floor heating manifold, these are connected to the control box as per
the diagram below.
By using these terminals, the water flow temperature is weather compensated, meaning flow
temperature varies with the ambient air temperature. You cannot control the flow temperature
yourself. The theory being as it gets colder outside the radiators get warmer and as it gets
warmer the radiators cool off. This function is used in all cases as it saves between 10 and 25
% on run cost across the year.
This is how it works: you set up the two curves (you can just use one) in the field settings as
per the diagram above. You must activate the stats using setting 2091 to activate terminal 22
and 2092 to activate terminal 24
When you make the connection 20-22 on
the control box the unit uses the blue
curve and lets water flow into the system,
valve 1 connected to 11 and 14 will be
When you make connection 20-24 the
red curve (higher temp) is used and the
valve connected to 15 and 18 will be
If both 20-22 and 20-24 are made the
unit runs at the higher of the two
temperatures both valves will be open.
On the screen of the unit you will see no
temperature setting, 0.0C shows. You
can boost the weather comp curve up or
down 5C using the up and down buttons
If you ask us we can give you a controller
which allows one of the curves to be flat
giving up to 50C flow in all ambient, this is useful for pools and as a boost function.