Section Eight: Using GRQ Remote Software
For GRQ-3102 and
3102S models, you
may choose to have
your compressor oper-
ate in either True Ste-
reo mode, or Dual Mono
mode. In Dual Mono
mode, the compressor
for each channel acts
independently. In True
Stereo mode, the two
channels interact to preserve stereo imaging, and a signal peak that exceeds the threshold in only one
channel will be compressed in both channels. The more extreme ratio setting of the two channels will be
the ratio applied to both signal paths as well.
Compressor mode is selectable by toggling the options in the box in the lower center section of the
Compressor/Limiter screen. Note that stereo compression is distinct from linked compressor settings. See
Section, Compressor Linking Options for GRQ-3102 and GRQ-3102S Models, for more
information on these options and how they affect compressor operation.
8.2.7. Digital Delay Adjustments
Digital delay can be set from the main remote screen by two methods: (1) using the up/down arrow keys
below the delay readout, or (2) right mouse clicking on the delay read-out, which will allow you to type and
enter a delay value. For a more detailed look, you can access the Digital Delay Screen by either selecting
Digital Delay from the Main Menu, or hitting the F4 key. The screen shown below will appear:
Inside the Delay Screen you may change the delay length by either using the horizontal scroll bar, or
highlighting a field and typing the desired value. Note that all three scales (time, meters, feet) change
together. Front panel delay displays will update when values are changed using the Remote Software.
Caution: We recommend making large
changes in delay settings (or loading
presets with large differences in delay
settings) only when audio is NOT playing
through your system. Pitch shifting may
temporarily occur as delay is adjusted.
You may bypass the delay section with-
out pitch change occurring, but the time
relationship will change. In addition, to
avoid “pops and clicks” in the audio
signal, digital delay changes are implemented in steps rather than all at once, and will take a bit longer to
be fully realized. Temperature Gauge for Digital Delay The speed of sound changes as a function of ambient air
temperature. Therefore, the delay compensation required to synchronize the arrival of multiple sound
sources (all at different positions) to a listener will vary as a function of temperature. The temperature gauge
allows you to measure the distance you are compensating for, and to adjust the corresponding delays as
a function of ambient temperature. Simply set temperature in Fahrenheit or Centigrade scales, either by
clicking in the temperature field and entering a value, or by clicking and dragging on the “mercury” in the
thermometer icon. The relationship between distance and milliseconds will be automatically set to the
correct proportion for the specified temperature.
8.2.8. Bypass
The GRAPHI-Q Remote Control software offers expanded control over various bypass functions. The
Bypass controls are located at the bottom of the main screen, and are activated by clicking the appropriate
bypass boxes. Active front panel units will display the appropriate bypass status as well.
The Remote Control allows all GRAPHI-Q processing to be bypassed individually by function and/or by
channel. Use Bypass to customize the processing you need on each GRAPHI-Q channel.
For GRQ-3102 and
3102S models, this
box on the compres-
sor screen allows
the compressor to be
set to True Stereo or
Dual Mono operation.
This option is not
available for the
GRQ-3101 or 3101S