41. Link Failover
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
Figure 41.4. Backup Settings form
Synopsis: string - one of the following keywords { first, second, third }
Default: first
The priority which is applied to the backup interface when switching
Transfer default gateway on switching main and backup interface.
The default route on the main interface must have a 'distance' greater than one.
Backup Gateway
Synopsis: A string conforming to: "(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9]
The IP address of the backup gateway
Synopsis: boolean
Displays the status of the interface’s On-demand option. When enabled, link failover can set the
interface up or down as needed; the interface is down until needed by link failover. When disabled,
link failover cannot set the interface up or down; by default, the interface is always up.
41.3.3. Setting a Link Failover Ping Target
A link failover ping target is an IP address that link failover pings to determine if the main link is down.
The address can be a dedicated host or a dummy address on a router. You can add up to three link
failover ping targets to each link failover configuration.
To set a link failover ping target:
• In edit mode, navigate to /services/link-failover{link failover ID}/backup and click <Add target>.
• On the Key settings form, enter the IP address of the host to ping and click Add.
• Commit the changes.
Link failover pings each target separately. If all targets are down, the main link is considered
to be down and it fails over to the backup interface. Backup links are used in the order
of their Priority setting (first, second, and then third), always starting with the first priority
interface. When a higher-priority interface becomes available again, the system reverts
to the higher priority interface. For example, if the second priority interface is active, the
system switches back to the first priority interface when the first priority interface becomes
available again.