3. Time Synchronization
ROX™ v2.2 User Guide
RuggedBackbone™ RX1500
3.2.8. Configuring an NTP Client using Multicast
Configuring a multicast address for an NTP client enables the client to listen for and receive NTP
messages on the multicast address. It is recommended that NTP authentication be used and that
a server key be set with the multicast setting. For instructions on how to create server keys, see
Section 3.2.5, “Adding Server Keys”
To set a multicast address for an NTP client:
• In edit mode, navigate to /services/time/ntp.
• On the NTP Multicast Clients form, set the multicast parameters.
• Commit the changes.
Figure 3.10. NTP Multicast Clients form
Enable Multicast Client
Enables the multicast message mode
Synopsis: IPv4 address in dotted-decimal notation
Synopsis: IPv6 address in colon-separated hexadecimal notation
Synopsis: Domain name (RFC 1034)
The multicast address on which the NTP client listens for NTP messages.
3.2.9. Configuring an NTP Client using Broadcast
Configuring a broadcast address for an NTP client enables the client to listen for and receive NTP
messages on the broadcast address, and enables the NTP server to send NTP messages on the
broadcast/multicast address. It is recommended that NTP authentication be used and that a server key
be set with the broadcast setting. For instructions on how to create server keys, see
To set a broadcast address for an NTP client:
• In edit mode, navigate to /services/time/ntp.
• On the Network Time Protocol (NTP) form, set the broadcast parameters.
• Commit the changes.
Figure 3.11. Network Time Protocol (NTP) form