Enter the six activities to be successively practised
into the upper ridge. The second ridge is provided
for entering the number cards according to the
sequence of the activities to be practised. The
same can be done for the after noon session,
using the last two ridges. There, the concepts first,
second, third, can be the question.
Enter the six activity cards to be successively
practised into the upper ridge. The second
ridge is determined for entering the clock cards,
provided with the dials drawn by an erasable pen.
Hang a precisely working clock near the Ritmix
board. By means of this clock, the children can
compare the clock cards and start to learn about
art. No. 230.4026
practical and surveyable hang up board
size 120 x 77 cm for the Ritmix cards
art. No. 809.0061
set of pins as an alternative for the Ritmix
Enjoy ‘Ritmix!’