In a wooden box (19 x 11 x 11 cm)
- 27 plastic activity cards (17 x 17 cm)
- 12 plastic clock cards (17 x 17 cm) printed in
black, without hands.
- 2 plastic cards (17 x 17 cm) with a dart.
Ritmix is developed for children attending
daily nursery, for groups of small children and
the nursery school. On the Ritmix cards daily
activities are shown. By visualizing the activities,
the children get a clear under standing of the
daily way of life. They begin to learn what is to be
seen as future and what is the past.
By playing with the cards of clocks and/or the
cards showing numbers (dots and hands up to
eight on the backside of the cards), they also start
to understand notions of time as: ‘first’, ‘thereafter’,
‘later’, ‘one’ , ‘before’ , ‘ last’, and of counting and, at
the end, to read the clock. The two cards showing
a thick printed dart can be used for indicating a
specifique activity.
The activity cards
1. Daily repeated activities
a. to come in
b. to eat
c. to drink
d. to go to the toilet
e. to prepare the necessary things
f. to get dressed
g. to go home
2. Activities in groups
a. group discussions
b. gym class
c. make music
d. watch television/video
e. group games
f. celebrate a birthday
g. travelling
3. Individual activities
a. painting
b. drawing
c. solving puzzles
d. reading
e. running a computer
4. Playing
a. shop
b. puppet compartment
c. block compartment
d. sand/water play
e. construction department
f. playing
g. in the sandbox
h. playing outside
Method of Working
Fix the board on the wall, in a place to be easily
reached. Enter the cards with the activities to be
done in the morning into the upper ridge. The
cards having to do with the afternoon can be
entered into the third ridge.
Into the two ridges left, the cards of the clock
or the ones with the numbers can be entered.
Fill in the time desired on the clock cards, by an
erasable pen.
Eventually, drawings, photos and pictures can
be added by sticking them on the back of the
activitiy cards.
Enter the six activity cards into the upper ridge
in order to be worked on successively. The card
with the dart will be entered into the second
ridge, under the activity card being actual in that
moment. The card with the dart will be entered
together with the activities so that the child can
see which one is the actual figure, which one has
already had its turn and the ones that will still
Concepts like first, soon, before, earlier, later, can
hereby come up for discussion. By entering the
activities for the afternoon into the third line, the
concepts of the morning and the afternoon can
be practised.