2. License and Object of the Agreement.
License. Subject to the terms and conditions hereof, the Licensor grants to the End-User a personal, temporary, non-
exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable and revocable license to use the Software in accordance with the terms
and conditions hereof.
Object of the Agreement. The object of this Agreement is the grant of a license for the use of software that enables con-
trol functionalities of UR’s Products devices or Licensor’s Products (the “Purpose”).
3. Software and Documentation.
Download. The Software shall be downloaded from the Licensor’s website or provided to the End-User through a USB flash
drive, according to the instructions set forth in the order summary sent to the End-User by email or by other means of com-
munication, as decided by the Licensor (the “Order Summary”). The download of the Software shall be made with the End-User’s
Designated Equipment.
Installation. The installation on the UR’s Product shall be done with a USB flash drive inserted into the UR’s Product. If the Soft-
ware was downloaded from the Licensor’s website, it shall be uploaded on a USB flash drive device for the purpose of installation
on the UR’s Product.
Utilisation. Two scenarios are possible according to the modalities set forth in the Order Summary:
a) The use of the Software is made with a Licensor’s Product. In this case, the End-User may start using the Software upon com-
pleted installation.
b) The use of the Software is made without a Licensor’s product. In this case, a Trial Period is granted to the End-User. At the end
of the Trial Period, which shall be set forth in the Order Summary, the use of the Software requires the software protection
dongle (the “Dongle”). The Dongle will be provided to the End-User for a fee as per section 5 of this Agreement, either by the
Licensor or by a Licensor’s Authorized Representative.
Documentation. The Licensor may provide, if applicable, all documentation containing the detailed specifications for operation
and use of the Software, which Software shall be used in accordance with such documentation. This documentation, if applic-
able, will be provided, wholly or in part, within (i) this Agreement, (ii) the Licensor’s Web site http://robotiq.com/ (iii) the
Licensor’s Products and the Purchase Agreement therewith, or (iv) any other agreement, document, support, whatsoever
decided by the Licensor.
4. Modifications and Upgrades. The Licensor shall be under no obligation to provide any upgrade, modification or patch to the
Software. However, the End-User shall be entitled to receive free of charge the upgrades and patches of the Software
provided by the Licensor if, at such time, the End-User is not in default in respect of any of its obligations contained herein.
Modifications that create new functionalities may be offered to the End-User at a price set by the Licensor at its sole dis-
Such modifications, upgrades and patches of the Software shall be installed by the End-User itself by consulting the Licensor’s
website http://robotiq.com/ where a link to proceed to such installation will be made available thereof.
5. Fees. The End-User shall pay the Licensor for using the software as per the Order Summary. The fees shall cover upgrades
and patches of the Software provided by the Licensor if, at the time of the upgrade or patch, the End-User is not in default in
respect of any of its obligations contained herein.
New End-Users not using the Licensor’s Products will be entitled to a Trial Period, which shall begin on the date of the first install-
ation on the UR’s Product and which shall end after the Trial Period as determined in the Order Summary.
6. Maintenance. During the term of this Agreement, the Licensor will maintain the Software in an operable condition and will
make available any corrections and improvements as are generally incorporated in the Software by the Licensor without
additional charge to the End-User.
7. Title to Software. The licensed Software is composed of confidential data and trade secrets and is proprietary to and con-
stitutes trade secret information and intellectual property of the Licensor. Title and ownership rights to the Software, includ-
ing the intellectual property rights related thereto, shall remain with the Licensor. The End-User agrees to maintain the
confidential nature of the source code and libraries.