Robotiq 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper
Instruction Manual
Robotiq inc. © 2016
3.4 Mechanical installation
Installing fingers on the Gripper :
Depending on your order, you may or may not have fingers already mounted on the Gripper. The first step of installation should be to install the fingers.
View Figure 3.4.2 for finger placement. To do so :
Align fingers on chassis axes. To do so, the slot present on the finger bar must be aligned correctly to the corresponding chassis axis.
Insert finger shaft between finger bar bottom hole (top hole is for parallel locking) and corresponding chassis hole.
Fix in place by inserting snap rings on both sides of the shaft using snap ring pliers.
Apply medium strength thread-locker to the provided stainless steel shoulder screws, align the finger bar and screw into the chassis axis.
Figure 3.4.1 : 2-Finger Adaptive Gripper finger installation.
Use protective glasses when using snap ring and snap ring pliers.