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VIS300C InSpec User Guide
Generic Scope Single Fiber Testing
First connect to your scope as per the device specific instructions above, and navigate to the Home
1).Pressing the "OPM" button will navigate you to the OPM Page.
2).Pressing the "Settings" button will open the Settings Popup which allows you to conenct to wifi,
change IEC Specs, check for updates etc.
3).Pressing the "VFL" button will cycle through the VFL's power mode ( On, 2Hz, and Off).
4).Pressing the "Projects" button will bring you to the project management page where you can
create,select, and closeout projects.
5). Pressing the "Save" button will bring up the Save popup on the next page which allows you to
name, comment and save either a live endface or an analyzed endface.
6).Pressing the "Zoom" button will attempt to find the core and zoom the image to only the relevant
IEC Zones. This is disabled during MPO Testing as MPO analysis supports multiple cores at once.
7).Pressing the "Analyze" button will analyze the current image from the scope using the selected IEC
Spec chosen in the settings page.