Adjust the dispenser to the crockery used
Rieber GmbH & Co. KG
Risk of injury if dispensing level is below lower edge of casing. Fingers and hands
may get caught.
Ensure that the dispensing level is always above the lower edge of the casing.
7.2 Exchange dispensers WE …
1 Change rod
2 Holes
3 Dispenser pipe
The dispenser platform can be divided. 6 change rods can be installed in 18 holes. The holes are
distributed in accordance with the most common plate diameters (200, 220, 240, 260, 280 mm).
Adjustment of exchange dispenser to crockery.
Apply parking brake and unplug mains plug.
Take out dispenser pipe (3).
Fix change rods (1).
Between the change rods (1) and plates, there should be a continuous gap of 2
to 5 mm in order to compensate for crockery tolerances.
After adjustment, lock all spring clips again, using the tool.