General safety instructions
Rieber GmbH & Co. KG
Electrical work may only be carried out by trained and experienced
Electro-technically instructed persons may only work under the supervision of a
qualified electrician.
5.5 Provide protective equipment for personnel
Ensure that the personnel wears the protective equipment appropriate to the relevant situation.
5.6 Appliance-specific safety instructions
This chapter describes general, product-specific safety instructions. In the following section, additional safety
information relating to a particular operation or situation is placed before the appropriate operation step or
description of the situation.
5.6.1 Safety and monitoring devices
The product features a safety cut-out. The product switches itself off automatically in
the event of a fault to the control system.
To increase your safety we recommend you install a earth leakage circuit breaker
with a tripping current of 30 mA upstream to the appliance.
5.6.2 Hazards by mechanically blocked parts shooting up
There are various
hazards (risk of injury) in the dispenser platform area of pipe
dispenser R …, exchange dispensers WE …, built-in dispensers E …
. The platform
may get stuck if crockery or pieces of broken pieces are caught between the springs or the
moving parts of the platform.
When the jam is dissolved, there is the danger that the platform suddenly shoots up and
ejects crockery parts or damaged parts of the platform.
Platforms shooting up or crockery can cause serious injury to arms, hands or other parts of
the body in the appliance.
Secure the stuck platform against accidental shooting up, until all blocking crockery
parts are removed. To do this, use a stable bar or rod. If possible, unhook or cut
through individual springs to reduce the overall spring tension.
Finally remove the securing bar/rod taking proper care due to the pre-loaded parts.
Also refer to ‘Adjust the dispenser to the crockery used’, page 19