Revision 2.6
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Intuitive Mercury 6-5M Controller with TDB
Please Note
The specifications of the product detailed on this
Set-Up Guide may change without notice. RDM
Ltd. shall not be liable for errors or for incidental
or consequential damages, directly and indirectly,
in connection with the furnishing, performance or
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Ensure that all power is
switched off before
installing or maintaining
this product
GP Timer 3 Block
Df Signal
The block allows for commands from the Defrost Timer schedules in a Data Manager to be mapped into the TDB
program. A Data Manager defrost timer channel will operate on a controller whose name has the same middle 2
characters as the defrost timer channel number. For example if the controller is aliased as RC55-8 then defrost timer
channel 55 would be configured. The output of this block will show the following. Please note the command sent to
the output of this block is present momentarily: -
0 = No defrost, defrost timer channel in the off period.
1 = Defrost, defrost timer channel in the on period.
3 = Defrost termination, used with Defrost Hold.
It is advisable to configure a local schedule in the TDB program in the event of a communication loss between the
controller and the Data Manager
The GP Timer 3 Block has a single on and off each day. Enter the on
time and off time in hh:mm for each day.
The block has an output to indicate the timer state, the output is
active when the timer is on and the output is deactivated when the
timer is off.
Analogue output “Until” connects to the occupation input on the
Occupation block. The Occupation block will be available in a future
release of Mercury Intuitive software.
The block utilises the RTC in the controller.