The stroke chart for numbers is given below.
*Before writing any number strokes, first tap the "123" button, or write
to toggle on numlock mode.
Accented Characters
Allegro also lets you enter accented characters for languages other than English. To do this, you first
need to enter accent mode, which is turned on either by tapping the on-screen button labeled "äõy´" or
by writing the accent mode introducer stroke on the writing pad (a diagonal downward stroke starting in
the upper right corner). After entering accent mode, you then enter the stroke for the letter. Finally you
enter the stroke for the accent itself.
Accent mode only applies to one character. After the strokes for the accented character are written, the
mode returns to its previous setting.
To enter a capitalized accented letter:
1. If you're not already in Caps Lock mode, enter shift mode (tap the on-screen Shift button, or
write the Shift introducer stroke).
2. Enter accent mode (tap the on-screen "äõy´" button, or write the accent introducer stroke).
3. Write the letter's stroke.
4. Write the accent's stroke.
Unknown character/accent combinations are interpreted as a "?" character.
The stroke chart for accents is given below.
* Before writing the stroke for the accent, first tap the "äõy´" button, or write
to enter accent mode,
then write the stroke for the letter (see
The Allegro Alphabet