Step 4: Adjusting and Attaching the Large Diameter
Inflation Hose of the Primary wing to the Razor Harness
2 Rigging the Razor Harness:
The oral inflator mouthpiece should now face up towards the diver with the
power inflator button and Schrader valve on the underside.
The large diameter inflation hose will run over the kidney area under the arm
and across the lower chest. The end of the Power inflator will be attached to
the D ring on the opposite shoulder with a loop of bungee cord tied with a
Fisherman’s knot through the loop of a small swiveling snap bolt.
The bungee loop can be positioned between the large diameter inflation hose
and LPI hose while diving so that it is securely retained.
The LPI hose to the power inflator should route directly across the chest from
the 5th port in the end of the swiveling turret of the regulator first stage.
It will run under the large diameter inflation hose.