Step 4: Adjusting and Attaching the Large Diameter
Inflation Hose of the Primary wing to the Razor Harness
2 Rigging the Razor BAT Wing
With the BAT Wing now attached to the Razor Harness the harness should
be put on so that the large diameter inflation hose and power inflator can be
correctly positioned. The large diameter inflation hose with the power inflator
can be configured to use from either the right or left hand side.
This can be changed easily to a left hand delivery
orientation if required by removing the 2 cable ties
locking the power inflator in place and then rotat-
ing it 180 degrees before fastening with 2 new
cable ties to resecure it in place.
The BAT Wing is supplied with the large diameter
inflation hose and power inflator delivering from
the right hand side but it can be easily changed to
deliver from the left hand side if required as previ-
ously noted.
The “clocking” of the power inflator is also sup-
plied with a right hand delivery orientation with
the oral inflation mouthpiece facing up towards the
diver with the power inflator button and Schrader
valve on the underside.