Manual Operation
Operating the R&S UPZ from the R&S UPP
Operating Manual 1120.8610.14 - 0
If the user enters a channel number, which corresponds to a R&S UPZ at a non-
assigned address, the R&S UPP generates an error message, for example:
Fig. 2-28 Error Message: R&S UPP
This error message can be acknowledged. Although the switcher is not connected, the
R&S UPP sends the entered channel command and updates the display. As regards
the R&S UPZ connected, this causes the previously set channel to be opened.
The different channels can be changed together. This is called tracking. The user can
thus select a channel offset between the two busbars or input and output switcher. If a
line is operated, the other one/ones are automatically adapted by the R&S UPV (due to
the channel offset). There are three possibilities:
Tracking only between busbars A and B (tracking between A and B equally applies
to input and output switchers connected)
measurements on multichannel DUTs
Tracking between input and output switcher
Application: crosstalk
measurements in the adjacent channel
Combination of the two tracking modes
Fig. 2-29 Tracking selection: R&S UPP