Manual Operation
Link Establishment using an R&S UPP
Operating Manual 1120.8610.14 - 0
The easiest way of establishing a connection however is using the „Auto“ setting. In
this mode, the R&S UPP scans all available COM Ports for an R&S UPZ and waits for
their response.
Fig. 2-23 COM Port Scan: R&S UPP
A connection is established by selecting the Switcher checkbox.
Fig. 2-24 Switcher Connection Establishment: R&S UPP
After a successful connection the following choices are offered:
Fig. 2-25 Switcher Panel: R&S UPP
The window shown here provides all control possibilities. This requires that at least one
input and one output switcher are connected. Otherwise, only the lines relating to the
connected switcher are displayed (the corresponding lines of an output switcher are
not displayed if none is connected, for example).
After opening the switcher user interface, the link between all switchers connected is
established. This operation is performed as follows:
First of all, the R&S UPV searches all addresses from 0 to 15 for a R&S UPZ
connected. Each address is queried twice, first for a connected input switcher, then for
a connected output switcher.
Since the response of the R&S UPZ is relatively short, the address query is executed
very quickly. This query is the only operation in which a R&S UPZ responds. If the
R&S UPP sends a channel setting command, the desired setting is performed in the
switcher addressed by the channel number whereas all other R&S UPZ open their
relays. The R&S UPZ, however, return no acknowledgement. As a result, the reaction
to a setting command is always performed at the same speed regardless of whether
only one or up to 32 switchers are connected.