R&S SM300
Version 04
Service Manual SM300: 1147.1652.00
Instrument Part No SM300: 1147.1498.03
4.2.4 Generator module
Two single
The generator modules consists of two single boards, each located in a shielded
module frame. The backplane is connected to one module only, the digital board.
This provides connection to the power supply and the USB.
The internal connection between the boards (operating voltages, signals) is
located at the rear of the module in the wiring area.
All generator modules are extended toward the front. The measurement
connector mounted to the front of the module is inserted through an opening in
the front panel where they are accessible for the user.
4.2.5 Power Supply
Power supplied
AC voltage from 100 V to 240 V with 50 Hz to 60 Hz
5 V for digital circuits
3.3 V for digital circuits
± 5.5 V for analog modules
± 15 V for analog modules
+12 V for display
Unregulated voltage in the range from 10.5 V to 17.5 V;
Used for generation of individual voltages on the modules
The total power consumption in the instrument is limited to <70 W.
The power supply module also contains a USB-compatible microcontroller.
It handles
Power management
Monitoring of operating voltage and temperature
Fan control
Instrument identification
Recording of operating time, etc.